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Biological decoding is a process that involves understanding the root causes of physical and emotional symptoms by decoding the messages sent by our body. It is based on the belief that our body communicates with us through symptoms and diseases, and by deciphering these messages, we can uncover the underlying emotional or psychological issues that need to be addressed. This approach recognizes that our body is an intricate system where every symptom has a specific meaning and serves a purpose in alerting us to an imbalance or unresolved trauma. By identifying and addressing these underlying issues, we can promote healing and restore overall well-being. Through biological decoding, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our body's intricate communication system, enabling us to take control of our health and live a harmonious life.

Biological decoding each symptom or illness would be associated with a specific emotional conflict that is reflected in the body. For instance, a disease in a particular organ could be related to certain negative emotions or thoughts. The process of biological decoding would involve identifying these emotional conflicts what occurred in your present that triggered that emotion to when it was programed in your past or in your family tree, working on their resolution through various techniques such as inner dialogue, visualization, meditation, and others.

Many times we are unaware that the illness is created by information coming down form our family tree, or our intended project ( this could be as far as 9 month before even being conceived, the 9 months of the pregnancy and up to 3 or 4 years of age) this is the idea of what they dreamt you would be, the color of your eyes, your profession, etc.

The process involves a biodecoding practitioner working with a client to uncover and interpret the emotional or psychological triggers that may have led to their health problems. This often involves exploring the client's personal history, family dynamics, and emotional experiences. Once these triggers are identified, the practitioner and client work together to resolve the emotional conflicts, often through techniques like guided visualizations, discussions, and other methods.